
data class User(    val id: Long? = null,     val extId: String? = null,     var email: String? = null,     var residency: String? = null,     var isLegalEntity: Boolean? = null,     var emailConfirmed: String? = null,     val disclaimerAccepted: String? = null,     val verificationRequests: List<VerificationRequest> = emptyList(),     val availableImages: List<TokenImage> = emptyList(),     val blockchainAccounts: List<BlockchainAccount> = emptyList(),     val subscriptionExpiryDate: Date? = null) : Serializable


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fun User(    id: Long? = null,     extId: String? = null,     email: String? = null,     residency: String? = null,     isLegalEntity: Boolean? = null,     emailConfirmed: String? = null,     disclaimerAccepted: String? = null,     verificationRequests: List<VerificationRequest> = emptyList(),     availableImages: List<TokenImage> = emptyList(),     blockchainAccounts: List<BlockchainAccount> = emptyList(),     subscriptionExpiryDate: Date? = null)


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fun isEmailConfirmed(): Boolean
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fun isIdentityVerified(): Boolean
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fun verificationStatus(): VerificationStatus


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val availableImages: List<TokenImage>
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val blockchainAccounts: List<BlockchainAccount>
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val disclaimerAccepted: String? = null
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var email: String? = null
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var emailConfirmed: String? = null
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val extId: String? = null
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val hasMembership: Boolean
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val id: Long? = null
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var isLegalEntity: Boolean? = null
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var residency: String? = null
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val subscriptionExpiryDate: Date? = null
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val verificationRequests: List<VerificationRequest>