
object VerificationManager

A class used for verification related tasks, like querying verification status for different wallets or creating verification sessions.


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data class Configuration(val environment: KycDaoEnvironment, val networkConfigurations: Set<NetworkConfig> = emptySet())


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suspend fun checkVerifiedNetworks(verificationType: VerificationType, walletAddress: String): Map<String, Boolean>
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fun configure(configuration: VerificationManager.Configuration)

A function used to configure the behaviour of the SDK Has to be called exactly once.

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suspend fun createSession(walletAddress: String, walletSession: WalletSession): VerificationSession

Creates a VerificationSession which is used to navigate through the verification flow

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suspend fun hasValidToken(    verificationType: VerificationType,     walletAddress: String,     walletSession: WalletSession): Boolean
suspend fun hasValidToken(    verificationType: VerificationType,     walletAddress: String,     chainID: String): Boolean

Checks on-chain whether the wallet has a valid token for the give verification type