
object WalletConnectManager : CustomKoinComponent, CoroutineScope

A WalletConnect V1 compatibility support class. Use this, if you want to connect the verification flow to a wallet through WalletConnect


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suspend fun checkOldConnection()
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fun connectWallet()

Starts connection process to a wallet via WalletConnect. If the users phone has multiple wallets installed, a prompt will be presented where the one to use needs to be selected.

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open override fun getKoin(): Koin
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fun startListening()

Starts a new WalletConnectSession and sets a callback to listen to its state changes.

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fun stopListening()


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open override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
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val sessionsState: Flow<Resource<WalletConnectSession>>

A hot flow on which the results of the wallet connections are emitted.

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val wcURI: StateFlow<String?>

A hot flow that emits session URIs on which the WalletConnect component is currently awaiting new connections.