
class WalletConnectSession(val wcSession: Session, val wcConfig: Session.Config) : WalletSession


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fun WalletConnectSession(wcSession: Session, wcConfig: Session.Config)


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fun getAvailableWallets(): List<String>?
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open override fun getChainId(): String

Returns the chain id in CAIP-2 format

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open suspend override fun personalSign(walletAddress: String, message: String): String

Signs the message with the given wallets personal token

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fun removeListener()
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open suspend override fun sendMintingTransaction(walletAddress: String, mintingProperties: MintingProperties): MintingTransactionResult

Initiates a minting transaction using the given wallet

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fun statusCallbackFlow(): Flow<Session.Status>


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val accounts: List<String>?
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val icons: List<String>?
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open override val id: String
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val name: String?
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val url: WalletConnectURL
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val wcConfig: Session.Config
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val wcSession: Session